heart pattern, painted hearts, digital paper-4842222.jpg

About Us

I love to create.

Starting with my Mum showing me how to sew on her trusty machine, to High School Art and then studying Design and Textiles at Tafe, creating is a part of who I am.

Meet me!

Hey friends, my name is Louise and I have 123 pairs (and counting) of earrings.

I have collected these from Markets and Online from local makers which I think makes me an earring connoisseur! I love earrings and how they can elevate any outfit.

Each pair of earrings you find here are hand made from scratch by me!



Five Facts about me!

  1. I love pink and glitter
  2. I am a super proud Mum to three amazing children
  3. I love movies and worked at a Video Store (remember them?!) for years!
  4. I spend my weekdays in active wear
  5. Fitness, particulary lifting is a huge part of my life
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    Site Icon By Lera Handmade - Handmade Resin Earrings



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    The future will belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

    Elanor Rosevelt

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